Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mary (spring, 1990)-Paul McClelland

A song for my Godchild on her 1st birthday. She is quite a few birthdays past that now, but I recently found the cassette master tape from 1990, and I wish her a happy birthday once again, using the original birthday wish from 23 years ago.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Gimcrack Miscellany-Paul McClelland (Winter, 2012)

A few leftovers from "Collage", a few outtakes from "Poke the Bear", and a few new ones, and you have "The Gimcrack Miscellany", the kind of music collection stereo headphones were made for. Individual selections can be listened to on your computer by simply clicking on the song you wish to hear on the jukebox. I understand that there may also be a desire to burn a hard copy of this music to CD. Simply go to the jukebox, click on 'share', then 'download'. A song list will appear below. Just highlight the song you want downloaded, and click 'download' to save each song individually to your desktop or designated folder. Once all the selections have been downloaded, you can burn a CD and enjoy the music on the playback unit of your choice. All songs written and performed by Paul McClelland. The song selection is as follows:

 1) Silhouettes
 2) A Product of some Random Process
 3) Here in my Heart
4) Ambient Edge
5) Baby Appease Me
 6) A Menu of Possibilities
7) All Kinds of People
 8) No Regrets
9) Choppin and Hidin
 10) Additional Mathematical Analyses
 11) Somebody Like You
12) Clementine Violet
 13) Health Care Bahamas